The HTG Way

A Proven Process

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We’ve been serving clients since the late 1950s, and over the years our internal processes have undergone a lot of pressure.

With time-tested diligence and razor-focused attention on what works, we’ve boiled down our approach to its most essential parts. Within these pages, we’re offering a clearcut distillation of our process.

  • Programming & Feasibility

  • Trends & Technologies

  • Architecture & Engineering Services

  • And everything in-between


Gerald Reiter

President, Granite Community Bank

One of our goals with our new main facility project in Cold Spring, Minnesota was to become more efficient with staffing and serving our customers. Our old facility utilized traditional teller stations, and the drive-up area was disconnected from the teller area. To make sure that we did not repeat these same issues at our new facility, HTG made it a point to discuss these items in great detail during our programming session.

HTG’s knowledge of the financial industry allowed them to expose us to the latest banking trends and technologies. Once our vision was understood, HTG was able to transform those ideas into a working plan. The removal of the teller line barrier and the introduction of the concierge station, along with positioning the drive-up directly behind the transaction area, has allowed us to still provide great customer service while operating with less staff.